Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens is the seventh spin-off of the original show Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Masters. The latest issue of V Jump magazine revealed that the spin-off show will get a new manga which will be issued on September 19 2020. Tasuku Sugie is drawing the manga and Masahiro Hikokubo will be writing the story for the manga. The title is going to be Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens: Rook! Bakuretsu Hado Den ( Rook! League of exploding Military Rule). The main protagonist will be Rook, he was introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh sevens as a friend of Yuga Ohdo, The English version of the character's name will be Luke, once the dub version comes out.
The Anime started on April 4th 2020 on TV Tokyo, however, due to spread of COVID 19, they had to stop the airing after 5th episode, the show resumed for 4 episodes in June and after the airing of episode 9, it was paused again. The show resumed on August 8th coming back with episode 10 and currently has 12 episodes. The show creators are working hard to complete the Manga so that they can resume Anime.
With the start of new manga on September 19th, creators of Yu-Gi-Oh sevens will be busy entertaining fans, according to the creators, this new manga will be on a lighter note and humour could be a main theme in the Manga which will be seen in Anime too. The show Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Franchise.
When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of Duel Masters and I’m really glad that the anime is still on. With more and more Manga releasing, I cannot wait anymore. We will share any news or update that comes up. Please make sure to stay tuned on otakuintown.com.
Source: V Jump Magazine