Kyoto Animation's Violet Evergarden: The Movie staffs announced on Monday that moviegoers at participating theatres will receive one of three random new novellas by original author Kana Akatsuki.
The three novellas are titled "Benedict Blue's Violet," "Oscar's Little Angel," and "Violet Evergarden If". The cover and illustrations were drawn by Akiko Takase, who is the character design and director of the Violet Evergarden movie.
The film will open in Japan on September 18, 2020. The film was originally slated to release on January 10, 2020, but was postponed to April 24, 2020, but was again postponed to the current date.
A 13-episode plus 1 OVA anime of the Violet Evergarden anime was released from January 11, 2018, to April 5, 2018. A spin-off film, Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidō Shuki Ningyō), premiered on August 3 at Germany's AnimagiC 2019 convention and in Japan on September 6, 2019. The film was directed by the show's series director Haruka Fujita. The film credits feature the names of those killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack as a dedication to their work.