Netflix on 22nd of March released a teaser of its upcoming series Death Note which is based on the popular Manga and Anime of the same name. The teaser begins with the Death Note falling from the sky and getting into the hands of Light (presuming they use the same name as in Manga/Anime). In the next frame the teaser establishes the apple along with the creepy laughter, supposedly of the Tshinigami/Death God Ryuk. With the intense music in the background and the montage of some thrilling sequences from the series, the trailer managed to keep the tension to its peak. The trailer have so far only revealed the face of Light Yagami, Ryuk's eyes and the quote 'Justice of Kira'. Since there is not a single hint about L in the trailer, it can be concluded that the series is targeted towards the audience who have not watched or read the Original Death Note.
There have been several attempts in past to adapt the manga/anime into live action but so far neither the film nor the series could live up to the expectations. In all the trailer looks promising, but we will have to wait until 25th of August to see if this Live-Action series does Justice to the original Death Note or not!
Check out the teaser below and give us your views about the teaser in the comment section below...
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