One Piece is with no doubt one of the most successful and longest-running anime shows and manga of all time, with a highly decorative commercial run over the years of its circulation. Although the anime of One Piece is in the list hot-discusses topic of the recent present, the creators are much more psyched about the manga as the manga is swiftly inching closer to another huge milestone of its career.
Eiichiro Oda along with his team can’t contain his ecstasy as the manga is standing on the horizon of launching its 1000th chapter in the very beginning of the year 2021. This could mean that the creators of the manga are in the mood of pleasing their fans around the world with a huge blast for their new year’s celebrations.
The latest report given by a popular manga fan page over Twitter reads that the 1000th chapter of One Piece will be launched by Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine on the upcoming 4th of January, 2020. This chapter is expected to be releasing with lead colours only for the beginning.
This report hasn’t been confirmed by Shueisha yet, but given the timings, we can expect the update or even the confirmation sooner than later anytime now. This week has left all the One Piece fans thirsty as it wouldn’t be releasing any fresh One Piece chapter and following the holidays, Weekly Shonen Jump will also be halting for a period of a couple of weeks. However, when the issue resumes in 2021, Shueisha will be willing to hit the new bars with the occasion of New Year and present something cheerful to all the widespread fans of One Piece.
Stay tuned with for further details and timely updates and anime news.
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