Popular Anime studio CoMix Wave Films released a teaser for its upcoming anthology project Shikioriori (Poem of Seasons Woven Togehter), along with the key visuals of the three shorts in the anthology. The three shorts are titled as "Hidamari no Chōshoku" (Sunny Breakfast), "Chiisana Fashion Show" (A Small Fashion Show), and "Shanghai Koi" (Shanghai Love). CoMix have collaborated with the Shanghai based animation company Haoliners for the project.
The teaser video gives an insight about the first footage of the three shorts. All the three shorts are set in three different Chinese cities. The theme of the anthology is food, clothing and shelter. Shikioriori will open in Shinjuku, Cine Libre Ikebukuro, and other cinemas this summer.
Writer and live-action director Jiaoshou Yi Xiaoxing (Surprise) have directed the short "Hidamari no Chōshoku". The short is about a youth working in Beijing and a grandmother in his hometown. Jiaoshou is making a animation directorial debut with this film. Another short "Chiisana Fashion Show" is directed by Yoshitaka Takeuchi, who has been the 3DCG chief in many of Shinkai's films. "Chiisana Fashion Show" is about sisters living in Guangzhou. The last short "Shanghai Koi" is directed by Haoliners president Li Haoling, who have also been credited as the overall director for the project. "Shanghai Koi" short is set in 1990s Shanghai as an homage to 5 Centimeters Per second.
Source: ANN
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